Marko Karvo

Suomen kansainvälisesti menestynein ja tunnustettu taikuri maailman huipulta!

Marko Karvo on esiintynyt yhdessä maailman tunnetuimmista yökerhoista Pariisin Lidossa. Hän esitti ensimmäisen taikurinumeron 15:een vuoteen Lidon 50-vuotisessa historiassa. Show kestää vain kymmenen minuuttia, mutta se on ilotulitusta, yllätyksiä yllätysten perään. Pääsosassa ovat komeat linnut. Aina vain upeampia ja värikkäämpiä papukaijoja pujahtaa esiin vuoroin hihasta, vuoroin huivin laskoksesta. Matka ruotsinlaivoilta Lidoon on vaatinut vuosien sitkeän työn. Läpimurto tapahtui Monte Carlossa, ammattitaikureiden kutsukilpailussa, josta hänet keksittiin Lidoon. Show-ihmiset tietävät, että Lido edustaa edelleenkin varmaa nousua alan huipputekijöiden joukkoon. Edelliset Lidossa esiintyneet taikurit ovat nyt miljonäärejä ja oman shown omistajia Las Vegasissa.

Marko Karvo sai vuoden 2000 Valtion Taidepalkinnon

- Taikuuden Suomen Mestari
- Moninkertainen Pohjoismaiden Mestari
- TV-ohjelmassa "Suomen Paras" parhaaksi takuriksi valittu
- Esiintyvät Taiteilijat ry:n "Vuoden Viihdetaiteilija 1995"
- Suomen Taikapiiri ry:n "Vuoden Taikuri" 1996
- "Hopeisen Taikasauvan" voitto maailman vaativimmassa ammattitaikureiden kutsukilpailussa Monte Carlossa 1996
- Maailman tunnetuimmassa show:ssa "Lido de Paris":ssa ainoana pohjoismaalaisena esiintynyt taiteilijapari.

Magic of Marko Karvo
Magician specialized in exotic birds

Performance History

Marko Karvo and Vanessa Karvo are partners on and off stage since 2006.
The world biggest magic magazine wrote about London Palladium Magic 2011 "It's impossible to overstate the astonishment create by Finnish magician Marko Karvo, undoubtely one of the best top variety acts in the world".

Performance in cabaret Royal Palace - Kirrwiller, France 2010 – 2011 and 2013-2014.

Performances in Germany 1995 - 2015. Hansa Theatre - Hamburg, GOP
Variete - Hannover, GOP Variete - Essen, Apollo Variete - Düsseldorf,
Wintergarten Variete -Berlin , “Sterne des Varietés - Die besten Artisten unserer Zeit -Wiesbaden, Tigerpalast Variete Theater - Frankfurt am Main, Phantasialand Fantissima Dinner show – Brühl, Teatro Schuhbeck– München.

Tivoli Varieté in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Having completed a 6-years run at the “Lido de Paris” in Paris, France, “The Magic of Marko Karvo” is undeniably one of the top variety acts in the world. At the Lido, he dazzled an estimated 2.5 million spectators in more than 3,500 performances.

Performances of varying length and complexity at galas, revues, variety shows, cruise ships and special events in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy and Korea Nov 1989 – May 1997.

On tour with the "Circus Finlandia” 1988,1989, 2012 and 2016.
Performances for groups of all sizes and ages in innumerable schools, daycare centers, restaurants, events, fairs and exhibitions across Finland.

Television Appearances
Nov 2014 Le Plus Grand Cabaret du Monde, France 2, France
Oct 2011 “ DAS ! ”, NDR, Germany
May 2004 “Signé Taloche” RTBF SAT et TF5, Belgium
April 2004 “20H10 Pétante” Canal+, France
July 2003 THE BEST OF “ Le Plus Grand Cabaret du Monde “ France 2
Feb 2003 Le Plus Grand Cabaret du Monde, France 2, France
Nov 2000 Toute la Magique du Monde, Mandrake d’Or, TF1, France
May 1996 “Magic” TV3 Magic Andreu, Spain
Mar 1996 12th Grands Prix Magiques in Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo
1985-2002 TV1, TV2, MTV3, TV4, Finland

Honors, Awards, Competitions
Feb 2020 Winner of the “Votacio Popular” in “Festival Internacional de Magia 2020”, Badalona, Spain
Sept 2017 Winner of the “Golden Oracle”, Valladolid, Spain
July 2012 FISM World Champion of General Stage Magic, Blackpool, England
Mar 2009 Named "Magician of the Year" by the Finnish Magic Circle
Jan 2005 Named "Magician of the Year" by the Finnish Magic Circle
Nov 2000 Received "Culture Prize" from the Finnish government. First circus/variety artist to receive the prize.
Oct 2000 “Mandrake d’Or” ( Golden Mandrake ) highest awardgiven by the French Academy of Illusionists, Paris, France
Mar 2000 Named "Magician of the Year" by the Finnish Magic Circle
Nov 1996 Named "Magician of the Year" by the Finnish Magic Circle
Mar 1996 "Baguette d'Argent " (silver wand) and the special price of
the “Radio Monte Carlo” at the "12th Grands Prix Magiques" in Monte Carlo.
Aug 1995 Winner of the Scandinavian Stage Magic Competition
Jan 1995 Named "Entertainer of the Year" by the Finnish Artist Association
May 1994 Winner of the Scandinavian Magic Championship and the "TROFE" award - the highest honor given to magicians in Scandinavia.
April 1994 Named "Best Magician in Finland" by Finnish Channel 3 TV
Jan 1994 Medalist at the "Magic Hands" competition in Sindelfingen, Germany
Sept 1990 Winner of the Scandinavian Magic Championship and the "TROFE" award - the highest honour given to magicians in Scandinavia.
Sept 1985 Winner of the Scandinavian Stage Magic Competition
Mar 1983 Winner of the Finnish Junior Magic Championship
Other activities:
June 1989 Chairman of the judges in juggling and magic
competitions at the Young People’s National Art
Festival in Salo, Finland
1982-1989 Teaching magic to children and young beginning
magicians. Worked as an instructor in magic clubs,
on courses, at art and circus camps. Arrange courses
in magic all over Finland.

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